Maximising profits through seamless terminal integration
Global oil and gas bunkering and storage industry faces great complexity across its spectrum of operations due to the wide variety of business processes, the. With multiple systems, the biggest challenge terminal managers must overcome is getting the right information to the right people at the right time to support vital decision making processes.
Boost the speed and accuracy of your business execution, improve your billing cycle, reduce terminal operating costs and increase your revenue and profit margin.
Request A DemoOptimised operations efficiency
A state-of-the-art totally integrated terminal resources planning and execution system, FuelTrack integrates all components of your business from field level to enterprise level seamlessly onto one single platform. By enabling smooth automation and integration of your business applications, we optimise your operations and increase your competitive edge to meet market demands efficiently.
Information where you need it, when you need it
FuelTrack harmonises the flow of information across your entire enterprise. In other words, you'll get the accurate, real-time information you need when you need it to make the right decisions, improving your reaction time to the market and allowing you to stay competitive while retaining your quality and reliability standards.
Boosted productivity and throughput
With modules that encompass logistics, distribution and administration management, oil storage tracking and movement activities within your entire business scope, FuelTrack helps you manage the entire operation execution process in a safe and productive manner. That efficiency translates to faster loading, higher throughput and a greatly reduced workforce.
Stay secure and compliant
FuelTrack's series of enterprise-level modules assist you in securely managing your business contracts in both the leasing and trading business environment. FuelTrack delivers the added benefit of planning your entire terminal operations with complete security and audit trails in place.
A solution that grows with you
FuelTrack can be deployed at a single terminal or a multi-site enterprise with terminals located in different geographic locations. With multiple easy add-on modules, you can build on the software as your needs expand.


Track and manage your entire material movement process
The transportation of bulk liquid is an extremely complex process. Besides the challenge of inefficient manual tank loading and unloading at site each time stored content is relocated, there is the difficulty in monitoring volumes on the weighbridge and tracking stocks on the move to detect and deter intentional product syphoning. This translates to a loss of investment, decreased productivity and increased production downtime. To get ahead of the curve, companies need a solution that empowers their business by ensuring safe and efficient operations of their tank farms.
RSPO & ISCC Compliance
POIMS Plus supports RSPO and ISCC compliance regulations by being able to track and trace incoming, outgoing and internal material movements. It supports both segregation and mass balance methods for compliance.
Request A DemoEffectively plan, execute and track orders and deliveries
With central management of the entire material movement process, you'll be able to pre-schedule deliveries and track them from start to finish, ensuring that the right product is delivered via the right mode of transportation at the right time. Tracking also means it's easy to account for material variances in transportation to and from your tank farms.
Integration with plant and enterprise applications
POIMS allows you to share your real-time inventory information with your existing or future plant systems, allowing you to build on your original investment at minimal cost. With data stored on she Cloud, decision-makers can conveniently and securely access the information they need any time, anywhere.


Redefining tank farm management for greater efficiency
Companies dealing with bulk liquid inventory face myriad obstacles. Not only is it a challenge performing accurate and timely material reconciliations, but the lack of information hinders critical day-to-day business and production decisions.
In addition, many processes rely on manual labour, resulting in inefficiency, a loss of control and a higher risk of error. As such, enterprises need a solution that can automate, integrate and compute their tank farm inventory to drive greater productivity and profitability.
Get real-time, error-free, up-to-date reports when you need them and make informed critical business decisions.
Request A DemoTimely and accurate information at your fingertips
A comprehensive and leading-edge Tank Farm Inventory Management IT Solution, POIMS utilises industry-standard computation formulas and syncs with tank gauging devices to measure and compute tank farm inventories with high accuracy. In other words, you get real-time, error-free, up-to-date reports whenever you need,to make critical business decisions.
Unified view of all your tank farm inventories
By consolidating the inventory data of your tank farms in different geographical locations onto a Angle platform, you enjoy the benefit of having a unified view of your tankfarm inventories at one glance. In short, you'll be able to view the inventory levels and available storage capacity in all your tank farms, enabling you to make informed dispatch and production decisions.
Integration with plant and enterprise applicationsss
Integration with plant and enterprise applications POIMS allows you to share your real-time inventory information with your existing or future plant systems, allowing you to build on your original investment at minimal cost. With data stored on she Cloud, decision-makers can conveniently and securely access the information they need any time, anywhere.